福島 佳奈 Kana Fukushima

Perfomance 2009.8.29(sat) 17:00-19:00

Exhibition 2009.8.31(mon)-9.6(sun) 12:00-19:00
場所 大槻ビル6F


”植物と人間 A plant and human ”光州国際人権パフォー
マンスアートフェスティバル  Gwangju International Human
Rights Performance Art Festival 2009.5

"誕生と消滅 Birth and disappiearance
"Nishikawaguchi ploject 2008.12


1984 埼玉県熊谷市生まれ
2005 "Nipon International Performance Art Festival(NIPAF)"国内、アイルランドツアー参加
2006 "NIPAF"国内、中国-日本パフォーマンスアート交流展2参加。パフォーマンスイベント"福の門"共同企画(art&cafe、埼玉、熊谷)、グループ展"お寺でやってみ展"参加(東光院妙法寺、東京、福生)、グループ展"愛と平和と美楽"参加(out-lounge、東京、大塚)
2007 "NIPAF" 中国-日本パフォーマンスアート交流展3参加、個展(kawaguchi art factory、川口、埼玉)
2008年"NIPAF"国内参加"ムービングウォーターデイズ2008"古民家でのプロジェクト(川口、埼玉)、パフォーマンスフェスティバル"tupada08"(フィリピン)、" ムービングウォーターデイズ2008"芝川でのプロジェクト(川口、埼玉)"NISHIKAWAGUCHIPROJECT"参加(西川口、川口、埼玉)、"Asian Youth Imagination(AYI)"企画(musui R.D.R、川口、埼玉)
2009年、"AYI 2"参加 企画Ferial affif (ジョグジャカルタ、スラバヤ、バリ、インドネシア、一ヶ月滞在し、いくつかの街頭パフォーマンスを行う。)、"Gwangju International Human Rights Performance Art Festival"(光州,韓国)

About Perfomance & Exhibition
「Goodbye of the end of the summer. Goodbye, see you.」

We are one creatures living in the earth.We keep balance
of the sky and the earth, fire, water with plants and
animals and conect life to death ,death to life together.
But we seem to forget losing love,being human in uneasy

1984, I was born Kumagaya, Saitama
2005, participated "Nipon International Performnace Art Fesrtival (NIPAF)",Ireland tour
2006, participated "NIPAF","China and Japan perfoemnace art exchange ploject2",co-organized "FukuNoMon(perfoemance art event)"Kumagaya,Saitama",group exhibition at temple Fussa, Tokyo,"Love and Peace and Enjoy art"Otuka,Tokyo
2007,paticipated"NIPAF","China-Japan Perfirmance art exchange ploject3","solo exhibition"Kawaguchi, Saitama
2008,participated "NIPAF","Moving water days 2008(ploject for plotect old houses)"Kawaguchi ,Saitama,"TUPADA08(performance art festival)"Philippines,"Moving water days 2008 "at Shiba river,Kawaguchi,Saitama,"NISHIKAWAGUCHIPLOJECT"Kawaguchi,Saitama,organized"Asian Youth Imagination1(AYI)"Kawaguchi,Saitama
2009,participated "AYI2"Yogyakarta,Indonesia,(stayed Yogyajarta,Surabaya,Bali for one month. and I performed some works at street),"Gwagju International Human Rights Performance Art Festival"Gwang ju, Korea.
And more…


事務局 アート記念日実行委員会
048−252-1735 助成川口市文化振興助成事業事業 
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